The trail is open to walkers, bikers and horseback riders. Educational signs along the new trail provide information about preservation and the Pickering Creek.
Jim Rowan, WPLT’s Director and Development Committee Chair, helps plant a tree with one of the Montgomery School students.
Mike Groman and some of the Montgomery School students prepare to plant some of the large trees.
Mike Groman presents Marjorie and Arthur Miller, Jr. with a commemorative gift at the opening of the new Pickering Creek Trail in West Pikeland.
On Friday, April 20th, sixth grade students from the Montgomery School helped to plant over 200 trees along the new Pickering Creek Trail in West Pikeland.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Science Teacher and Environmental Program Director, David Kline (back left) and WPLT’s Vice President and Education Committee Chair, Mike Groman (back right) supervised the riparian buffer restoration project, assisted by sixth grade students from the Montgomery School.
Each of the 212 trees that were planted along the trail was supported with a stake and a Tubex Tree Shelter to provide protection from animal and wind damage.
Mike Groman, Beth Briglia, Marjorie and Arthur Miller, Jr., Harold Hallman III and David Kline celebrate the opening of the new Pickering Creek Trail in West Pikeland.